Mon. 2/1 @630-730p via ZOOM: “What’s My Carbon Footprint?” Ossining100 Personal Carbon Tracker Open House by hosts Green Ossining
February 1st @630-730p.
Join us for our first Open House as we launch this easy-to-use carbon tracker at “What’s My Carbon Footprint?” Ossining100 Personal Carbon Tracker Open House by hosts Green Ossining.
Our ambition is to reduce our community’
s carbon emissions through incremental personal changes in our behavior. But you can’t make measureable improvements unless you better understand your own personal impact. Our carbon tracker provides you with that….but there’s more! We’ll even provide step-down suggestions, and a forward looking plan on how to get there based on your own personal profile.

Please join us for this one-hour open house!
Meet us. Join us. We can make our community cleaner & greener.
Household by household.