TONIGHT! 4/16 – Join the Ossining Documentary & Discussion Series for a Special Earth Day Focused Evening. 630p SHARP at the OPL’s Budarz Theatre.

Solutions Flyer-Legal Final

In honor of Earth Day and as a precursor to the upcoming 5th Annual Earth Day Festival on Saturday 4/18 ,  we have a unique evening planned for this month in that instead of showing one documentary, we will be showing seven “shorts” (3-5 mins each)  that focus on green solutions to climate change/environmental issues.    This month’s film series is being referred to as Solutions.   Following the episode shorts, we will have six local pioneering folks give 5 minute multi-media “talks” – lots of hands-on & opportunity to speak one-on-one with the presenters.   Solar energy is the focus of this year’s annual Festival and will be very much a part of the ODDS evening.

For more info:

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