***UPDATE***** Sunday 10/4’s Green Ossining Community-Wide Tag Sale is On! 40+ Homes Participating!
*****UPDATE AS OF SUNDAY, 10/4 @ 8am*******
Get you tag sale game on! The Green Ossining Community-Wide Tag Sale is on! Remember to check out the Google Map right here for the 40 home locations.
Join the Facebook Page (Green Ossining Town Wide Tag Sale) to see some of the items up for sale by location.
Whether you are selling or shopping – we hope you enjoy the day and get out and meet your neighbors and upcycle some items!
****UPDATE AS OF SATURDAY, 10/3 @ 8am********
Tag-Sale Mavens: Today’s weather may turn-around but it is less than ideal for the 40+ homes participating in the Green Ossining Community-Wide Tag Sale . We are calling a RAIN DATE and as scheduled expect that tomorrow/SUNDAY will be on: it should be warmer, less windy, and as of now – only a 5% chance of rain.
Note: Campwoods Tag Sale is on today and today only. 10 homes participating. Indoors. Check it out. But park outside of the development.
TO DO: Check out the Google Map here and plot your tag sale path for tomorrow. This is your source for that info http://www.greenossining.org/tagsale/ Come out and see us from 10-4p.!!
For those interested in getting their tag-sale game on at the 40+ homes participating at tomorrow’s Green Ossining Community Wide Tag sale — Just an update on the weather situation and a reminder of the process:
We are totally holding out on calling the RAIN DATE (which would be Sunday) until tomorrow morning. Both Green Ossining and the Green Ossining Town Wide Tag Sale FB pages will have an update between 730a-8a tomorrow morning.
If a RAIN DATE is called – there will b…e some homes that will have the sale anyway because they can only participate Saturday (and assuming they have garages smile emoticon And this is your source for all homes and their status: http://www.greenossining.org/tagsale/
As you, we are watching the forecasts closely and know that the forecast is good for a half-a-day out (if that much). So lets keep thinking …rain, rain go away…and stay-tuned. We want this to happen on Saturday as much as anyone and remain hopeful!
p.s. Previews of stuff for sale have already started on the Green Ossining Town Wide Tag Sale page….join it and see.
Registration is now CLOSED for the SemiAnnual Green Ossining Community-Wide Tag Sale on Sat. October 3rd!
We’ve got 40 homes signed up!
What that means: we are sharing stuff with our community and keeping it local, we are saving households $$ by selling them things they may need for a fraction of the cost, we are giving a ‘repurpose’ to stuff that might’ve ended up in a landfill…we are meeting our neighbors…and making Ossining the place-to-be for tag sale mavens. PLUS, we hope to have eliminated the multiple signs that may have gone up for 40 other tag sales by organizing it on one day…and we aim to take down every paper sign we have put up to eliminate paper pollution
Now the fun begins! Head on over to the Green Ossining Town-Wide Tag Sale Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1550492371881113/
where folks can now start posting what they will be selling at their tag sale on 10/3. Be sure to “Like” the page so you can get updates from participating homes.
A Google map will soon be posted to identify the location of each home particapting and the merchandise they will be selling too. All homes participating will have a copy of the Google Map to show where the other participating tag sale homes are located.