The Leaves Are Falling…Leave Leaves Alone! (Mulch ‘Em…Its good for the soil and grass and…)

leave leaves aloneWith fall upon us, it’s time to revisit the whole leaf mulching idea. Here’s a link to a video of some landscapers demonstrating how they mulch their clients’ leaves.   Please pass this on to your landscapers and your neighbors. This is a great way to show landscapers that the trade is doing this very successfully.

Again and again landscapers tell us that their clients don’t want them to mulch leaves. We KNOW that is not the case so you can play a BIG PART in this movement by asking your landscaper to mulch this fall.

If they have any questions, they can call these landscapers: Tim Downey, (914) 557-1415 Aesthetic Landscape Care  (English) or David Duarte (Spanish) (914) 490-4123 Five Brothers Landscaping.
Many thanks for playing your part in this movement!   You can also learn more here:
check out the video here:
Do you mow your own lawn?   The Love’Em and Leave ‘Em site provides many resources.  Please visit them:


  1. Gerald Dixon on October 11, 2014 at 1:29 pm

    I’m a homeowner who has always mowed and mulched the grass clippings. Now I need a newer mower anyway and I want to mulch and leave the leaves. I understand the recommendation to use a Gator blade and a Vulcher — but can anyone recommend a good mower model (gas, push) for my 1/4 acre lot? I’ve watched the videos, just need some advice on a mower purchase for doing my own work (I do not use commercial landscapers).


    • Suzie Ross on October 11, 2014 at 9:13 pm

      We referred to the Love ‘Em and Leave ‘Em website. This link will take you to some of their suggested resources!3238155011%2Cn%3A551242%2Cn%3A128066011%2Cn%3A4543152011%2Cp_n_feature_browse-bin%3A4601419011&sort=salesrank
      but if you are not satisfied – you may want to go back to that site for further reference. I hope this helps!

  2. Andrea Kimmich-Keyser on October 11, 2014 at 8:20 pm

    thanks for posting!

  3. Lara on April 23, 2020 at 11:23 pm

    I started doing the garden last month so I don’t know how much mulch I should cover for my garden. Can you tell me that?

    • Suzie Ross on July 27, 2020 at 2:29 pm

      Hi Lara! I would actually contact Cornell Cooperative Extension Westchester County. They are a great source for this information. We have heard a variety of thoughts on this but I think minimum is one-inch , but up to three is more ideal. Also, we like to put cardboard down on landscaping to help avoid weeds in a natural way. Then lay the mulch on top. I relaize you asked this question in April! SO sorry for the delay!

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