NWEAC – Energy Solutions Road Map

The Mid-Hudson Regional Energy Solutions Road Map

Why is energy such an important driver in economic development?
The Mid-Hudson region’s households spend $2.4 billion on utilities per year ($3,000 for space heating and appliances per household per year). If just 5% savings were achieved through common energy upgrades, the residential sector alone would save $119 million annually.*

Every business sector in the Mid-Hudson Region needs energy and incurs energy-related expenses. Operational or mechanical inefficiencies exist in every sector of commerce. Therefore, each sector has significant energy savings opportunities. Energy solutions have powerful cross-cutting benefits for economic development and can often be funded out of net savings realized–making available operating capital for staff and business reinvestment. bulvární zpravodajství . In a typical community, the business sector’s aggregate utility expenses are about two-thirds that of the aggregate residential sector. On that basis, the Mid-Hudson region’s businesses may spend as much as $1.6 billion on utilities per year, yielding $80 million in easily achievable savings to reinvest.  In short, energy efficiency alone could make available $220 million per year or more in private capital for job retention and creation in our seven counties.
Read the Summary: EnergySolutions_Mid-Hudson_RoadMap_2011_10_26_Summary.

This road map presents five interlocking and mutually reinforcing energy solution paths–the first of which is energy efficiency–with deep potential for the Mid-Hudson’s seven counties. The high level overview in this road map invites more detailed examinations of each of these four solution paths in the future.

  • Solution paths 1, 2, and 3 address the demand side of the energy ledger, respectively: energy efficiency, demand response,  and microgrid.
  • Solution paths 4 and 5 address the supply side of the energy ledger, respectively: distributed generation (including renewables) and energy storage.

It is important to note that a fuller examination will point out significant resource efficiencies and self-financing upgrades are achievable in water consumption and waste stream management as well.

* See Table 1 in the complete Road Map here:




This article originally printed on NWEAC.org website…

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