Weds 9/9@730p: Key Points of the Pope’s Environmental Message @ Greenburgh Nature Ctr

An Environmental Message from the Pope Flier-page-001

When:   September 9, 2015: 7:00PM to 9:00PM
Where: Greenburgh Nature Center, 99 Dromore Road Scarsdale, NY 10583
7 pm refreshments/7:30 program

Sister Kathleen Deignan and Brother Kevin Cawley, Co-Conveners of the Thomas Berry Forum for Ecological Dialogue at Iona College, will present a summary of key points from the Papal Encyclical on Climate Change, from the Papal Encyclical on Climate Change, Laudato Si’, which was released on May 24, 2015.   Sister Deignan and Brother Cawley will explain the meaning of the Encyclical to Catholics throughout the world as well as the Pope’s message about climate change for all of humanity. This is a joint program of Greenburgh Nature Center and Sierra Club. Refreshments by the Sierra Club at 7:00, program starts at 7:30.

Greenburgh Nature Center
99 Dromore Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583




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