Resources and Links

Recycling Streams for All Materials

Publications and Documents Available for Download

View the Monthly Events Calendar

Become a Westchester Master Composter & Recycler

Resource List for Tree Planting, Maintenance & Protection

Green Learning and Environmental Education...

Teatown Lake Reservation - Devoted to conserving biodiversity, teaching ecology and promoting nature-friendly living.

Earth Day Network - protecting the Earth and its People every day

Eco-Footprint - online carbon footprint calculator

Green Science Library @ How Stuff Works (Discovery)

Cool green tips and projects for kids...

Clean Water America Alliance - working to explore the complex issue of water sustainability.

Local & Government & Municipal...

Westchester Freeshare – a local networking based service in which members join a local group and post ads for items they wish to acquire or give away. Freeshare is based around the idea of localized trading networks.

Westchester Treasure Hunt - Part of Westchester County’s Used But Usable Clearinghouse, this is a free online data bank maintained by Westchester County. You can also call 914-813-5415 for further information.

Westchester County’s recommendations on:

Westchester County Global Warming Action Plan - A guide to help sectors reduce emissions and become more efficient.

Greenburgh Climate Action Plan

Bedford Climate Action Plan

Westchester County Stormwater Management Resources

Westchester County Department of Health

U.S. Department of Energy...

Earth Day Animation

The Energy Efficient Home Scene
This is a picture of an energy efficient home, cut open to show its many different features and appliances. This scene describes what you can do to increase the energy efficiency of your home. It contains information about efficient appliances in general, air conditioners, water heaters, light emitting diodes, electronics, cars, and lighting systems. It also describes solar thermal and solar power panels, energy efficient windows, smart meters, attic insulation, and advanced fuels and hyrbids.

U.S. Department of Energy - Tax Breaks

New York State Department of Conservation

Stormwater - What is stormwater?

Stormwater is water from rain or melting snow that doesn't soak into the ground but runs off into waterways. It flows from rooftops, over paved areas and bare soil, and through sloped lawns while picking up a variety of materials on its way. The quality of runoff is affected by a variety of factors and depends on the season, local meteorology, geography and upon activities which lie in the path of the flow.

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