Greater Ossining Earth Day and Stash the Trash 2013

Greater Ossining Earth Day and Stash the Trash 2013
April 20, 2013, 11 am- 3 pm, Louis Engel Waterfront Park

Family Day to Help Keep Ossining Beautiful and Learn About Living a More Sustainable Life

Download the Vendor Registration Form 2013…

Download the Stash the Trash Team Form 2013…


We have an exciting lineup of music from Blake Rowe and Mike and Miriam Risko, our own Claremont School Third Grade and Fourth Grade Choruses, Irish Music performed by Don Smith and Friends ,and even performances of old-time Sea Chanteys performed by Grammy Award Winner Rick Nestler!

Please encourage anyone who want to help us organize and “pull off” this celebration to come to meetings, email us with concepts and ideas and tell us how they want to help on April 20th.

Looking for a fun and educational family day out that can also help you live a more sustainable life? Come out with your family and friends to Ossining’s Earth Day and Stash the Trash event at the beautiful Louis B. Engel Waterfront Park on April 20 from 11am -3pm.

Featured events of the day, which have been organized by the Town/Village Green Ossining Committee include:

Stash the Trash: Meet at 12 noon at Engel Park, the Joseph G Community Center, 95 Broadway; the Ossining Historical Society at Croton Avenue, the Jug Tavern (74 Revolutionary Road), or Dale Avenue Park to get your assigned clean up territory, gloves and bags. This year, we are pleased to offer biodegradable garbage bags for the clean up & the much sought after Green Ossining stainless steel hip water bottles to all who come through. Come to the Earth Day fair afterwards to participate in activities and have some delicious, healthy local food.

Earth Day Celebration: 11am-3pm: Come to Louis B. Engel Waterfront Park for a fun and educational day with your family, featuring music, children’s activities and information about how to save money by reducing your carbon footprint. Special events throughout the day!

Earth Day Performers:

11:00am – Blake Rowe

11:30am – Mike and Miriam Risko,

12:00pm-1:00pm – Claremont School Third Grade and Fourth Grade Choruses,

1:00pm-2:00pm – Old-time Sea Chanteys performed by Grammy Award Winner  Rick Nestler!

2:00pm-3:00pm – Irish Music performed by Don Smith and Friends

Ossining Earth Day Waterfront Celebration Sponsors and Vendors:

Town & Village of Ossining
Green Ossining Committee
Ossining Rotary
Energize Ossining
Riverkeeper Ossining
Hudson River Sloop Clearwater
Ossining Lions Club
Dragonfly Wellness Yoga Studio
Historical Society/ Friends of Ossining Historical Cemeteries
Green Mountain Energy Co.
Charms by Amy
Mary M. Bantz (Earth Stone Jewelry)
Gretchen Pellaton (Shaklee)
511 NY Rideshare
Green Community Garden of Hope
Ossining Boat & Canoe Club
Pampered Chef
Yoshimi Arai/ Magokoro New York
Friends of the Ossining Public Library
Transition Ossining
Avon by Cindy
Stop & Shop Supermarket (John Gannon)
Wobble Café
Hope Community Garden
Tamarah Bridgewater (Recycled T-Shirt Material Necklaces)

Download the Vendor Registration Form 2013…

Map to Louis Engel Waterfront Park


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