EPA Announces New Green Infrastructure Website and Technical Assistance

Building on our 2011 Strategic Agenda, EPA’s Green Infrastructure Program is pleased to unveil our new website and to announce the availability of technical assistance to 10-20 partner communities.

Our new website repackages and expands upon our previous website to showcase EPA’s research on green infrastructure and to serve as a gateway to the wealth of resources developed by governmental agencies, academia, non-profits, and the private sector.

Stakeholders will be able to consult our website for up-to-date information on green infrastructure publications, tools, and opportunities.

The first opportunity we are announcing through our website is the availability of direct assistance from EPA to facilitate the use of green infrastructure to protect water quality.

Technical assistance will be provided through EPA contract support, and will be directed to watersheds/sewersheds with significant water quality degradation associated with urban stormwater.  The total EPA assistance available is approximately $950,000, and will be distributed among 10-20 projects.

The value of the assistance available to each project will be approximately $50,000 – $100,000. Letters of interest must be received by April 6, 2012.



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