Earth Day Event Planning – Conference Call

I would like to re-schedule our conference call to discuss Earth Day/Earth Week event planning for the first week in January – Tuesday, January 4, at 2pm.

Please call or email me to let me know if you are able to participate and I will send you the details on how to call in; 914-762-6001 or

Prior to that call, I will create a plan of some of the ideas we have spoken about in recent meetings for the “Earth Day/Earth Week” events and circulate it for your ideas/comments/etc.

I hope that some committee members who have not been able to participate in the meetings will be interested in sharing their talents in this project. WE will need lots of help, ideas, coordination, so even a little bit of your time will help!


Catherine Borgia
Supervisor, Town of Ossining
914-262-8873 (cell)

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