Celebrate Car Free Day (Wed,9/22) in Ossining with a Pre-Launch (Sat, 9/18): Here’s everything you need to know!

In partnership with 511NYRideshare and Green Ossining, the Town and Village of Ossining are encouraging Ossining residents and community members to reduce their single occupancy driving on international Car Free Day (Wednesday, September 22nd) and instead telework, bike, walk, carpool, vanpool, drive an electric vehicle, or ride a train, bus, or subway.

This will be our fourth year celebrating the day and we will have a launch at the Ossining Farmers Market on Saturday, September 18th with representatives from the partnership offering:•  educational information on the various alternative transportation options available in our area;

•  pledge opportunity for community members to take to go car free or car-light (using an EV instead of a fossil-fuel based vehicle) on September 22nd (Poster below…Take the pledge!);

•  information on a community bike ride on September 22nd (Poster below or Facebook event here https://fb.me/e/2tHhhFKiA

• the Ossining PTA is will also be participating with information for parents of Ossining School District students (info coming soon!)

• information on a virtual biking/walking/running/hiking competition to demonstrate participating groups’ climate leadership (info coming soon);

•  promoting brick and mortar businesses that are incentivizing their customers to go car free to their establishments (details coming soon);

•  promoting the 511NYRideshare Kiosk that will be at the Ossining Recreation Center from September 20-24th helping people find easier, smarter and eco friendly travel choices (Poster below).

•  promoting the CURE100 EV show at Senasqua Park in Croton-on-Hudson on 9/25 (Poster below).

•  promoting the Raffle for the Ancheer electric bike and the  CURE100 and partners EV show at Jefferson Valley Mall on 10/1 (Poster below).

•  promoting information on a new bike-sharing program that could be offered in Ossining (details at the Farmers Market), and

•  a ribbon cutting-ceremony on the installation of new public bike rack (details coming soon!)


                  Save the Date and Pledge!                           


Car Free Day Community Bike Ride 


 Info On Kiosk at the Recreation Center: 9/20-9/24


                                                                    Raffle to Win This Ancheer E-Bike!              


                                                                                      CURE100 Drive Electric Show/Senasqua Park          

                                                                                         CURE100 Drive Electric Show/JV Mall on 10/8




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