We know. It can make for an unsightly lawn. But this sign explains the work-in-progress.
There are Pros and Cons to the movement of giving lawns a break before we manicure them with our mowers. Do your research too, but here’s what we know: on the upside it allows lawn flowers (such as clover, or berries) to bloom and provide nectar to pollinating insects emerging from hibernation; on the downside (aside from getting the cold shoulder from neighbors) letting the grass grow too high could welcome unwanted insects (ticks, mosquitoes), make the lawn difficult to clean up when you get to it in June, or make the base grass yellow.

Consider where your lawn is and how you use it. It’s not for everyone, but we’d sure like to encourage the practice where it makes sense.
If you are interested in participating in this initiative, you can purchase one of these signs – and other Green Ossining merchandise- at Hudson Valley Books for Humanity for $20 each (limited supply available.)