URGENT! Thurs 8/15 @6pm via Zoom: Friends of a Clean Hudson Coalition Teach-In on the Status of General Electric’s Contamination & Failure to Clean-Up the Hudson River.

If you moved to our neck of the woods, it’s likely because we are a Rivertown. But not only should all Rivertowns be aware of what is happening in our River, anyone who admires our majestic Hudson should be in-the-know about this very critical environmental issue.
Please join Friends of a Clean Hudson coalition on Thursday, August 15 at 6 p.m. to hear about the General Electric contamination of the Hudson, how their court ordered clean up is going, what independent experts believe are dire problems with EPA’s conclusions, identify public comment opportunities, analyze current trends in fish and sediment PCB levels, and discuss how upcoming decisions on a nearly 200-mile section of the river could impact human health and the environment.
It’s a lot. But as our backyard is one of the largest Superfund sites in the Nation, you ought to know. And you ought to care enough to help.
Learn what you can do.